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(12.2.2-en) Start Menu

This article shows how to configure the desktop start menu in IGEL OS.

Menu path: User Interface > Desktop > Start Menu

The following options, which are all enabled by default, can be configured to be shown in the start menu:

  • Screenlock

☑ The

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.
icon is shown. (Default)

For the icon to be displayed, the following parameters need to be enabled:

  • at least one login method under Security > Logon. For more information, see Logon.
  • the Require password to unlock (screenlock) option under User Interface > Screenlock / Screensaver > Options. For more information, see Options.

  • Show Shutdown menu button

☑ The

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.
 icon is shown. (Default)

  • System tab

☑ The

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.
 icon is shown. (Default)

  • About

☑ The

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.
icon is shown. (Default)

  • Show current user name in About, Application Launcher and start menu

    Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.