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(12.02-en) Basic Overview of the IGEL UMS Web App

The following article provides general information on the features implemented in the IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS) Web App.

The UMS Web App can currently be used only in addition to the Java-based UMS Console. Some features are currently available only in the UMS Web App, others – only in the UMS Console; see the feature matrix under (12.02-en) Overview of the IGEL UMS.

The range of functions available in the UMS Web App will constantly be expanded.

All features that are already available in the UMS Web App are fully supported.

  • Right-click on a device opens a context menu.
  • Double-click on a device or a (priority) profile opens the configuration dialog.
  • You can use the [Escape] key to close dialogs in the UMS Web App.


Under Devices, you can view all devices registered on the UMS Server and their details. Here, you can perform various device commands, assign objects to your devices, and edit device configuration.

1Directory Tree

Shows all created directories.

  • Creating new directories
  • Renaming directories
  • Deleting empty directories
  • Moving directories: drag & drop or [Ctrl + X], [Ctrl + V]
  • Copying directories: [Ctrl] + drag & drop or [Ctrl + C], [Ctrl + V]
  • Moving devices to another directory: drag & drop 
  • Bulk actions (for all devices in the selected directory)

  • Scanning the network for devices and registering devices
2Device list

Shows all devices directly contained in the directory selected in the Directory Tree.

  • Paging for the navigation in the device list
  • Defining the number of devices to be displayed on one page
  • Filtering devices by Name, Product ID, Unit ID, Version, and IP Address
  • Sorting devices by Name, Product ID, Unit ID, Version, and IP Address
3ADirectory information

Shows details and assigned objects for the directory selected in the Directory Tree.

  • Filtering the assigned objects by the object type, direct / indirect type of assignment, free text entry
  • Detaching directly assigned objects
3BDevice information

Shows details for the device selected in the device list.

  • The status of the device (online, offline, unknown)
  • Renaming the device
  • (Advanced) system information
    • Adding / editing / deleting customizable system information, incl. device attributes
  • Assigned objects
    • Filtering the assigned objects by the object type, direct / indirect type of assignment, free text entry
    • Detaching directly assigned objects
    • Jumping to the assigned object
  • License information, user login history, network adapter
  • Installed apps (for IGEL OS 12 devices)
4Device commands

Executed for the selected individual directory / device.

  • Power control commands
  • Shadowing (VNC)
  • Updating, sending / receiving settings, etc.
  • Assigning objects, e.g. profiles, files, etc. 
  • Editing configuration
  • Exporting device settings as a profile


Under Configuration, you can create and edit profiles for IGEL OS 11 and IGEL OS 12 devices. 

1Configuration Tree

Shows all created profile directories and subdirectories.

  • Creating profiles 
  • Creating new directories
  • Renaming directories
  • Deleting empty directories
  • Moving directories: drag & drop or [Ctrl + X], [Ctrl + V]
  • Moving profiles to another directory: drag & drop 
  • Exporting / importing profiles
2Profile list

Shows all profiles contained in the directory selected in the Configuration Tree.

  • Paging for the navigation in the profile list
  • Defining the number of profiles to be displayed on one page
  • Filtering profiles by Name and Version
  • Sorting profiles by Name and Version
3Directory informationShows details for the directory selected in the Configuration Tree.
4Profile information

Details for the profile selected in the profile list

  • Editing profile properties, e.g. profile name, firmware version it is based on (for OS 11 devices only), etc.

Activated Settings

Shows all configuration settings activated in the selected profile.

Template Key RelationShows template keys used in the profile.
Contained Files

Shows all files assigned to the selected profile.

  • Quick assignment of the file to the selected profile (To use the feature, you should already know the file name or its part.)
  • Detaching assigned files from the profile
Assigned Devices

Shows all devices the selected profile is assigned to.

  • Quick assignment of the device / device directory to the selected profile (To use the feature, you should already know the name of the device / device directory or its part.)
  • Detaching the device / device directory from the profile
  • Jumping to the assigned device / device directory
AppsShows which apps / app versions are configured by the selected profile.
6Edit ConfigurationAllows you to edit configuration parameters for the selected profile.


Under Apps, you can manage apps for IGEL OS 12 devices.

1App categories

Shows all available app categories.

2App list

Shows apps contained in the selected category.

  • Paging for the navigation in the app list
  • Defining the number of apps to be displayed on one page
  • Filtering apps by Name
  • Sorting apps by Name
  • Creating profiles for the selected app
  • Setting a Default Version for the selected app
  • Deleting the app
  • Exporting the app (metadata)
4App information

Details for the app selected in the app list, e.g. newest imported version, the selected default version

5Update Settings

Defines update settings for the app selected in the app list.


Shows information on all available versions of the app

  • Deleting unused app versions
  • Accepting the EULA
Assigned Devices

Shows all devices / device directories to which the selected app is assigned.

  • Detaching the device / device directory from the app
  • Jumping to the assigned device / device directory

Configures global settings for the app updates, e.g. from where the devices should download the apps – from the UMS or the App Portal. 


Under Network, you can find information on all connected UMS Servers, UMS Load Balancers, and IGEL Cloud Gateways. If you use IGEL Onboarding Service (OBS) to register IGEL OS 12 devices, you can also find here the OBS Routing details. 

1List of all available UMS Servers / UMS Load Balancers / IGEL Cloud Gateways (ICG)
  • Status of the selected UMS Server / UMS Load Balancer / IGEL Cloud Gateway (running, not running, etc.)
  • Status of UMS Server / ICG connections (connected, disconnected, unknown)
  • Number of currently connected devices (only for the ICG)
3Details for the selected UMS Server / UMS Load Balancer / IGEL Cloud Gateway
4Statistics for the device requests
5Opens the Settings area

Under Search, you can search for IGEL OS devices according to the selected parameters, save the search results, and export them. 


List of searches

Shows the list of all searches that you saved using the Save as Search button.


Shows all filter fields that you added via Add filter button. 

3Advanced search

Adds the Query field that you can use for complex searches.

Main features:

  • SQL-like query language
  • Autocompletion function
4Search results
  • Adding / removing columns for the search result list
  • Paging for the navigation in the search result list
  • Defining the number of devices to be displayed on one page
5Save as SearchSaves your current search so that you can access it via the list of searches
6Export Search ResultOpens an Export Search Result dialog where the parameters and delimiters for the CSV export file can be configured. 


Under Logging, you can activate logging and search for log messages according to the configured search parameters.

1Configurable search mask
  • Adding/removing parameters for log searching.
  • Search criteria are linked with logical AND.
  • The last search configuration is saved.
2Search tagsShow the search parameter values specified in the search mask
3Log list

Shows log messages for the actions performed in the UMS Web App.

  • Paging for the navigation in the log list
  • Defining the number of log messages to be displayed on one page
  • Sorting within any selected column
  • Tooltips for detailed information
4Clear dataDeletes log messages
5SettingsAllows you to adjust logging configuration


Under Messages , you can view the current state and the results of the device commands and of other actions such as the import of IGEL OS Apps, etc.

The messages are automatically deleted at the reloading of the UMS Web App page in the browser.

Click a message to view details.

  • A successfully executed command is marked with .
  • A failed command is marked with a warning symbol .
  • A partially failed command is marked with a warning symbol .

Other Options Available in the Menu Bar

Opens the start page.

If specified, the nickname of your UMS is also displayed here; see (12.02-en) Network Settings in the IGEL UMS Web App

The UMS Web App documentation on and details of the current version of the Universal Management Suite

Language settings for the user interface

Logout from the UMS Web App