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(12.03-en) IGEL UMS Communication Ports

The following table shows the default ports which are used by the components of the IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS) and a UMS infrastructure. Some of these ports are configurable, e.g. web server port 8443, device communication port 30001 for IGEL OS 11 devices, etc. (see (12.03-en) Settings - Change Server Settings in the IGEL UMS Administrator).

Port (Protocol)Required by UMS Feature

Who is Listening?

Applications/Service Binding to Port

Who is Talking?

Applications/Services Initiating Communications

443 (TCP)

IGEL App Portal

Cloud ServiceUMS Server

The UMS Server imports apps from the IGEL App Portal.

443 (TCP)

IGEL Onboarding Service

Cloud ServiceUMS ServerThe UMS Server validates the onboarding token.
443 (TCP)

IGEL Insight Service

Cloud ServiceUMS ServerThe UMS Server transfers analytical and usage data to IGEL.

443 (TCP)

Automatic License Deployment (ALD)

IGEL licensing server (at

UMS Server

The UMS Server requests licenses; see (12.03-en) UMS Contacting the Licensing Server.

443 (TCP)

Automatic License Deployment (ALD)IGEL download server (HTTP server at

UMS Server

The UMS Server requests the connection details required for connecting to the IGEL license server (at

See (12.03-en) UMS Contacting the Licensing Server.

8443 (TCP)


UMS Server

(Windows: service IGELRMGUIServer; Linux: daemon igelRMServer)

UMS Console / UMS Web App

See (12.03-en) UMS with Internal Database or (12.03-en) UMS with External Database.

8443 (TCP)Unified Protocol

UMS Server

(Windows: service IGELRMGUIServer; Linux: daemon igelRMServer)

IGEL OS 12 device

The device opens a WebSocket for data exchange (all communication incl. registration via IGEL Onboarding Service or One-Time Password method, file transfer, firmware customization and license transfer, secure shadowing, secure terminal)

For more information on Unified Protocol, see (12.03-en) Overview of the IGEL UMS.

8443 (TCP)UMS as an Update Proxy

UMS Server

(Windows: service IGELRMGUIServer; Linux: daemon igelRMServer)

IGEL OS 12 deviceThe device contacts the UMS Server to download app updates.
30002 (TCP)Core (directly, without ICG)

UMS Server

(Windows: service IGELRMGUIServer; Linux: daemon igelRMServer)

HA Load BalancerIf the UMS Server and the HA Load Balancer are running on the same host, the UMS Server will use port 30002 instead of 30001, and the HA Load Balancer will use port 30001 (relevant for IGEL OS 11 only).
30001 (TCP)Unified Protocol (automatic registration or registration after scanning)

UMS Server

(Windows: service IGELRMGUIServer; Linux: daemon igelRMServer)

IGEL OS 12 deviceThe device requests a registration token if the UMS Server was detected in the company network (see (12.03-en) Registering Devices Automatically on the IGEL UMS and (12.03-en) Importing Devices) or the device received a registration request after it was scanned (see (12.03-en) Scanning the Network for Devices and Registering Devices on the IGEL UMS).

30001 (TCP)

Core (direct device communication, not used with communication via ICG)

UMS Server

(Windows: service IGELRMGUIServer; Linux: daemon igelRMServer)

IGEL OS 11 device

See (12.03-en) Devices Contacting UMS.

8443 (TCP)

Core (file transfer)

UMS Server

(Windows: service IGELRMGUIServer; Linux: daemon igelRMServer)

IGEL OS 11 device

The device requests a file from the UMS; see (12.03-en) UMS and Devices: File Transfer.

8443 (TCP)Core (firmware customization)

UMS Server

(Windows: service IGELRMGUIServer; Linux: daemon igelRMServer)

IGEL OS 11 deviceThe UMS provides files for customizing the look and feel of the device's GUI; see (12.03-en) UMS and Devices: File Transfer.

88 (TCP/UDP)

Core (if Active Directory is used), Shared Workplace

MS Active Directory Service

UMS Server

The UMS Server sends a Kerberos request to MS Active Directory.

389 (TCP)

Core (if Active Directory is used), Shared Workplace

MS Active Directory Service

UMS Server

The UMS Server sends an LDAP request to MS Active Directory.

1527 (TCP)

Core (if Apache Derby is used)

Apache Derby database (Derby Network Server)

UMS Server

See (12.03-en) UMS with External Database.

636 (TCP)

Core (if LDAPS server is used)

LDAPS server (other than MS Active Directory)

UMS Server

The UMS Server sends an LDAP request over SSL.

1433 (TCP)

Core (if MS SQL Server is used)

Microsoft SQL Server database

UMS Server

See (12.03-en) UMS with External Database.

1521 (TCP)

Core (if Oracle is used)

Oracle database

UMS Server

See (12.03-en) UMS with External Database.

5432 (TCP)

Core (if PostgreSQL is used)

PostgreSQL database

UMS Server

See (12.03-en) UMS with External Database.

8443 (TCP)Core (licenses)

UMS Server

(Windows: service IGELRMGUIServer; Linux: daemon igelRMServer)

IGEL OS 11 deviceThe UMS provides license files for the devices; see (12.03-en) UMS and Devices: File Transfer.

Auto ("high port")


Core (online check)

UMS Server

(Windows: service IGELRMGUIServer; Linux: daemon igelRMServer)

IGEL OS 11 device

The device responds to a message sent by the UMS to check if the device is online.

The port number to be used is contained in the UDP packet sent by the UMS.

30005 (TCP/UDP)Core (scanning for device)

Device (OS 12 & OS 11)

(UMS agent)

Device (OS 12 & OS 11)

The device responds to a broadcast sent by the UMS during a scan.

The port number to be used is contained in the UDP packet sent by the UMS.

See UMS Server.

Auto ("high port")


Core (scanning for device)

UMS Server

(Windows: service IGELRMGUIServer; Linux: daemon igelRMServer)

Device (OS 12 & OS 11)

The device responds to a broadcast sent by the UMS during a scan.

The port number to be used is contained in the UDP packet sent by the UMS.



Core (secure terminal)

IGEL OS 11 device

(UMS agent)

UMS ServerSee (12.03-en) UMS and Devices: Secure Terminal.

5900 (TCP)

Core (shadowing)

IGEL OS 11 device

(UMS agent)

UMS Console

The UMS Console initiates a VNC session for shadowing; see (12.03-en) UMS and Devices: Shadowing.

5900 (TCP)Core (shadowing) via UMS Web App

IGEL OS 11 device

(UMS agent)

UMS ServerThe UMS Web App triggers the UMS Server to initiate a VNC session for shadowing. The VNC session is routed through the UMS Server; see (12.03-en) UMS and Devices: Shadowing.
9080 (TCP)

Core (unencrypted, no SSL)

UMS Server

(Windows: service IGELRMGUIServer; Linux: daemon igelRMServer)

IGEL OS 11 device

The device requests a file from the UMS (regular file transfer or Universal Firmware Update).

This port is only used if Allow SSL Connections only is deactivated in the UMS Administrator.

If Allow SSL Connections only is activated, port 8443 is used for firmware updates and file transfer.

Auto ("high port")

Core (unencrypted, no SSL)

UMS Server

(Windows: service IGELRMGUIServer; Linux: daemon igelRMServer)

UMS Console

The GUI is started via Java Webstart console.

This port is only used if Allow SSL Connections only is deactivated in the UMS Administrator.

If Allow SSL Connections only is activated, port 8443 is used for firmware updates and file transfer.

443 (TCP)

Core (Universal Firmware Update)IGEL download server (HTTP server at

UMS Server

See (12.03-en) UMS Contacting the Download Server to Check for New Updates.

8443 (TCP)

Core (Universal Firmware Update)

UMS Server

(Windows: service IGELRMGUIServer; Linux: daemon igelRMServer)

IGEL OS 11 device

In the course of a Universal Firmware Update, the device requests a file from the UMS; see (12.03-en) UMS and Devices: File Transfer.

9 (UDP)

Core (Wake on LAN)

Device (OS 12 & OS 11)

UMS Server

The UMS Server sends magic packets to the devices.

8443 (TCP)

Core (with ICG)

ICG (IGEL Cloud Gateway)

UMS Server

See (12.03-en) Devices and UMS Server Contacting Each Other via ICG or UMS Server.

8443 (TCP)

Core (with ICG)

ICG (IGEL Cloud Gateway)

Device (OS 12 & OS 11)

See (12.03-en) Devices and UMS Server Contacting Each Other via ICG.

6155 (UDP)High Availability (HA)HA Load Balancer
UMS Server
HA Load Balancer
UMS Server
Both HA Load Balancer and UMS Server listen on port 6155 and use it for communication.
8443 (TCP)High Availability (HA) and Distributed UMSUMS Server
(Windows: service IGELRMGUIServer; Linux: daemon igelRMServer)
UMS Server
(Windows: service IGELRMGUIServer; Linux: daemon igelRMServer)
File synchronization between UMS Servers
61616 (TCP/UDP)High Availability (HA)

HA Load Balancer

UMS Server

HA Load Balancer

UMS Server

Both HA Load Balancer and UMS Server listen on port 61616 and use it for communication.

8443 (TCP)


UMS Server

(Windows: service IGELRMGUIServer; Linux: daemon igelRMServer)

3rd party component using IMI (IGEL Management Interface)

See (12.03-en) IGEL Management Interface (IMI).