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(12.06.110-en) Clearing up the UMS


You have several firmware versions in the UMS. Your collection of clients and profiles has become large and confusing. You are losing track of assignments and connections between these elements.


You want to minimize the variety of firmware and profiles to simplify processes. You just want to see what you need.

The firmware, clients, and profiles are interdependent. So, what is the best way to proceed?


We advise making a back-up of the UMS before deleting any components. You can also use the UMS recycle bin for the deleted objects.

The following are the main steps for reorganizing the UMS:

  1. Download the new firmware.

  2. Move clients to the new firmware.

  3. Move profiles to the new firmware.

  4. Delete old firmware, clients, and profiles that are no longer required.

Downloading the new Firmware

  1. Check our download server to see whether there are new updates that are relevant for your applications.

  2. Download the relevant update files. Install an update directory for the files on the UMS server or on your FTP server.

Moving Clients to the New Firmware

Find out how many different firmware versions you really need.

Upgrading all clients to the same firmware:

  1. Create a new View to search for all clients using a firmware version older than the current version.
    View Name: Show all UD LX devices with old firmware
    Rule: Product name is like (!reg!)(?i).*Universal Desktop LX.* AND Firmware version is less than 5.04.100

  2. Assign the update directory to these devices.

  3. Start the update process.

Moving Profiles to New Firmware

Examine your profiles and decide which of them are relevant for the new firmware. You have three possibilities you can do now:

  • Adjust the firmware version the profiles are based on, to be sure that they will work with the new firmware.

  • Leave the profile settings as they are.
    If the parameters of the new firmware match the parameters of the old version, a profile will work anyway. If they do not match, these parameters will be ignored.

  • Create new profiles.

For more information see UMS Manual: (12.06.110-en) Profiles in IGEL UMS

Deleting old Firmware, Clients and Profiles that are no longer required

To finally clear up the UMS you now should delete obsolete objects.

  • Use again Views to select the clients, which are no longer required.

    For more Information see UMS Manual: How to Create a New View in the IGEL UMS.

  • Select the obsolete profiles. You can do this manually or by using the search option: Misc > Search > Profiles > Product&Firmware.

  • Delete old firmware which is not assigned any longer to a client or profile: Misc > Remove Unused Fimwares.

Do you have also obsolete Views, Jobs, Template Keys? Delete them as well.

For Template Keys the Profile Relation is shown in the setting mask.