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(12.06.110-en) Import with IGEL Serial Number

When ordering your IGEL devices, you can request an import file from IGEL. Alternatively, you can create your own import file using an alternative format. Both formats are based on CSV.

This import method works only for IGEL UD devices.

Both the format of an import file that is sent by IGEL and the alternative format specify the fields Serial Number and MAC Address.

Serial Number Format as Sent by IGEL

In an import file that is sent by IGEL, the serial number format consists of 5 fields. However, only the Serial Number (2nd field) and MAC Address (3rd field) are specified in the file.


;14D3F5002B290902DD ;00E0C521B4E4 ; ;
;14D3F5002B29090441 ;00E0C521B648 ; ;
;14D3F5002B2909056F ;00E0C521B776 ; ;
;14D3F5002B29090648 ;00E0C521B84F ; ;
;14D3F5002B2909070B ;00E0C521B912 ; ;

Alternative Serial Number Format

The alternative format has 2 fields. The field sequence is random.


Sequence MAC address - serial number:


Sequence serial number - MAC address:


Import Fields

For both import formats, the UMS fills in the fields Name and Version by itself. In the following, all fields predefined for imported devices are described.

MAC Address: MAC address of the device.

Name: Device name.

The maximal length of the device name is restricted to 15 characters if Adjust network name if UMS-internal name has been changed is enabled under UMS Console > UMS Administration > Global Configuration > Device Network Settings.

The length of the device name is not restricted if Adjust network name if UMS-internal name has been changed and Naming Convention are not activated under UMS Administration > Global Configuration > Device Network Settings.

Each device name will be automatically overwritten in compliance with the naming convention, even if Adjust network name if UMS-internal name has been changed is enabled, in case Enable naming convention is activated under UMS Administration > Global Configuration > Device Network Settings.

See also (12.06.110-en) Device Network Settings for the IGEL UMS.

Version: Firmware version of the device, assigned by the UMS. The firmware with the highest ID will be assigned to the device. The IDs for firmware versions already registered can be found via Misc > Firmware Statistics. 

Serial Number: Serial number of the device.