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Further HA servers – with UMS Server, UMS Load Balancer, or both – both – can be installed in the same way as the first one. However, you do not need to create a new IGEL network token. Instead, you must select the network token created previously during the installation of the first server in an HA network. 



The database connection should be defined during the installation of the first UMS Server in an HA network. In this case, all relevant configuration information is automatically copied to the additional UMS Servers.


To add a new server to the UMS HA installation, follow the instructions in the order given:

  1. Preparing the Server

  2. Preparing the IGEL Network Token

  3. Starting the Installation

  4. Checking the Installation

Preparing the Server

  1. Verify that the server can "see" the other servers via the network.


  • High Availability with IGEL UMS Load Balancers: All UMS Servers and UMS Load Balancers must reside on the same VLAN.

  • For High Availability (UMS HA) with IGEL UMS Load Balancers, network traffic must be allowed over UDP broadcast port 6155, and TCP traffic and UDP broadcast traffic over port 61616. For further port configuration, see IGEL UMS Communication Ports.

  • The network configuration on Windows Servers must have the TCP/IPv6 option enabled for UMS 12.

  • IGEL UMS HA installation with IGEL UMS Load Balancers is not supported in cloud environments like Azure / AWS as they do not allow broadcast traffic within their networks. The HA installation without IGEL UMS Load Balancers (as well as the Distributed UMS) is, however, supported in cloud environments as of UMS version 6.10.

  1. Verify that the time on all servers is synchronized.



To avoid problems with your HA installation, make sure that the time on the servers of the HA network does not differ by more than one minute. After each manual time reset, the HA services on the relevant server must be restarted.

  1. For Linux systems, make the directory /root writable for the user root.

Preparing the IGEL Network Token

Include PageENLITEUMSP:_Icon_handlungsaufforderung.pngENLITEUMSP:_Icon_handlungsaufforderung.png If → If you have not yet done so, save the IGEL network token created during the installation of the first HA server, e.g. on a portable storage medium.


If the path has not been changed, the file IGEL-Network.token can be found by default in the home directory of the administrator user on a UMS Server host.



If you have a fully functional UMS HA network already in use and simply want to enlarge it with one more HA server, make sure you use for the additional HA server installation the current IGEL network token. 
If you have not saved it:


Restart the IGEL RMGUIServer service (for the instruction, see IGEL UMS HA Services and Processes) and use in this case the network token created upon the UMS Server startup from the directory:
Windows: C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\IGEL-Network.token
Linux: /root/IGEL-Network.token

Starting the Installation

  1. Launch the UMS installer.


You need administration rights to install the IGEL UMS HA.

  1. Read and confirm the License Agreement.

  2. Read the Information regarding the installation process.

  3. Select a path for the installation.

  4. Select the components to be installed depending on your desired HA network configuration. See also IGEL UMS HA Configuration Options.


  1. image-20240617-122627.pngImage Added

  2. Confirm the system requirements dialog if your system fulfills them.

  3. Select the UMS data directory, in which Universal Firmware Updates and files are to be saved.

  4. Disable the option for creating an IGEL network token.


  1. Image Added

  2. Select the IGEL network token to be used.


  1. Image Added

  1. If the internal Windows firewall is active on your host: Review the settings under Windows firewall settings and change them where necessary. Each port that is activated here will be set as rule in the Windows firewall. 


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ENLITEUMSP:_SvIncludePlusContent-_UMS 12 Communication Ports

For more information on UMS ports, see IGEL UMS Communication Ports.


  1. Under Select Start Menu Folder,


  1. specify a folder name for the shortcut.


  1. Under Select Additional Tasks, specify whether you would like to create shortcuts for the UMS Console


  1. and UMS Administrator


  1.  on the desktop.

  2. Read the summary and start the installation process.

  3. Close the UMS installer once the installation is complete.

If you have included a UMS Server in the installation, the UMS installer creates entries in the Windows software directory and the start menu. The UMS Console and UMS Administrator applications are installed, and, if this was selected, their shortcuts are placed on the desktop.


Checking the Installation

  1. Check if all processes are running. For the list of UMS HA processes, see IGEL UMS HA Services and Processes.

  2. If you have included a UMS Server in the installation, open UMS Administrator > Datasource and verify that the database connection has been successfully transferred from the already running UMS Server.



Default path to the UMS Administrator



Linux: /opt/IGEL/RemoteManager/
Windows: C:\Program Files\IGEL\RemoteManager\rmadmin\RMAdmin.exe

The IGEL UMS Administrator application can only be started on the UMS Server.

If the database connection has not been defined automatically, enter under UMS Administrator > Datasource > Add exactly the same database parameters you used during the installation of the first HA server and click Activate.


  1. In the UMS Console, go to UMS Administration > UMS Network and check the items Server and/or Load Balancer.

    Image Modified

    Additionally, you can use the feature for checking the HA installation, see UMS HA Health Check - Analyse Your IGEL UMS High Availability and Distributed UMS Systems.

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ENLITEUMSP:_Register the UMS
ENLITEUMSP:_Register the UMS

For the future, you may also find it useful to read: Creating a Backup of the IGEL UMS and Which Files Are Automatically Synchronized between the IGEL UMS Servers?.