IGEL UMS HA Services and Processes

IGEL UMS HA Services and Processes

The following article explains, which services and processes are running when you install the High Availability (HA) extension of the IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS). However, it also provides a general overview of how you can restart services and processes for your UMS installation, not necessarily the UMS HA installation.

A High Availability (HA) installation consists of several processes: Each node of the HA network has either the UMS Server or the UMS Load Balancer or both running, depending on the configuration you have chosen during the installation process of the UMS HA, see also IGEL UMS HA Configuration Options. In addition, the UMS Watchdog always runs on each node.

UMS Server

  • Handles all requests from the devices and the UMS Console.

  • Talks to the devices.

  • Executes jobs.

  • Acts as a message broker for internal messages.

UMS Load Balancer

  • Forwards incoming requests from the devices to one of the UMS Servers with load balancing.
    The UMS Load Balancer has a list of running UMS Servers and distributes the requests to them sequentially.

UMS Watchdog

  • Monitors the run status of the UMS Server and the UMS Load Balancer running on the same server and forwards it to the UMS Servers.

  • Starts or stops the UMS Server or the UMS Load Balancer on request from a UMS Server.

If both the UMS Server and the UMS Load Balancer are running on the same server, the UMS Server uses port 30002 and the UMS Load Balancer uses port 30001. If only the UMS Server is installed on a server, it always listens on port 30001. See IGEL UMS Communication Ports.

The following table shows how you can find out which processes are running and how/where you can stop or start them.






The processes are normally stopped here.

  • For the list of running processes, use the command:
    sudo ps -ef | grep RemoteManager
    where RemoteManager is the last part of the installation path; Adjust it if the installation path is different.
    Each process has two entries on the list.

  • For stopping the processes, use:
    sudo systemctl stop igel-ums-watchdog
    sudo systemctl stop igel-ums-broker
    sudo systemctl stop igel-ums-server

  • For stopping the processes if the stop with the init scripts does not function:
    sudo kill -9 xxxx
    where the ID of the process can be seen in the output of
    sudo ps -ef | grep RemoteManager

Task Manager:

Emergency stop if the process cannot be stopped in the Services.

cmd / Command Prompt:

sc queryex “IGELRMGUIServer”
sc queryex “IGEL UMS Load Balancer”
sc queryex “IGEL UMS Watchdog”

Emergency stop if the process cannot be stopped in the Services

  • taskkill /PID xxxx /F
    where the PID can be seen in the output of
    sc queryex “Name of the process”

You can stop / start the UMS Server service also in the UMS Administrator > Distributed UMS, see Distributed UMS - Perform Local UMS Actions in the IGEL UMS Administrator.