(12.1-en) Time and Date
This article shows the time and date settings options in IGEL OS.
Menu path: System > Time and Date
Timezone of your location
Use NTP time server
☑ The system clock is set via Network Time Protocol (NTP) during boot.
☐ The system clock is not set via NTP. (Default)
NTP time server
IP address or name of the NTP time server. If you would like to enter a list of NTP time servers for redundancy purposes, separate the names / IP addresses by spaces.
Manual Date and Time Configuration
Carries over the time and date and sets the hardware clock. Once the date and time is set, click Change date and time to save the change.
You can set the date by selecting from the calendar, or using the arrow keys to adjust the date.
You can set the time by typing it in, or using the arrow keys to adjust the time.