(12.3.1-en) Sound Preferences
This article shows the starting methods and the use of Sound Preferences in IGEL OS. With this function, you can configure your device’s audio settings.
Menu path: Devices > Audio > Sound Preferences
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If the Show volume control in taskbar option is enabled under Devices > Audio > Options, you can also start the function by right-cliking the
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icon in the taskbar and selecting Sound preferences.
For details on the preset options for the audio system, see (12.3.1-en) Options 2.
Using Sound Preferences
Start the Sound Preferences function.
To select and configure the device for playback, proceed as follows:
- Navigate to the Output devices tab.
- Select the device which is to be used for playback from the list of available devices.
- If necessary, adjust the Volume and Balance settings. Optionally, you can test the configuration by clicking Test sound.
To select and configure the device for recording, proceed as follows:
- Navigate to the Input devices tab.
- Select the device which is to be used for recording from the list of available devices.
- Adjust the Volume if necessary.
To change the playback volume for specific applications, proceed as follows:
- Navigate to the Applications tab.
- Adjust the volume control for the relevant application.