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Export View or Advanced Search Result via Mail as an Administrative Task in the IGEL UMS

You can define an administrative task to export the results of a view or advanced search as a mail attachment.

For more information on the advanced search in the UMS Web App, see  .

In order for emails to be sent, the UMS mail settings must be correct. Further information can be found under Mail Settings.

Menu path: UMS Administration > Administrative Tasks > Dialog Create Administrative Task > Action Export view / advanced search result via mail



Name for the task.



→ Select Export view / advanced search result via mail.



View ID / Advanced search ID
ID of the selected view / advanced search. The view / advanced search is selected via the image-20240614-124001.png button.


Visible columns configuration
Data fields which the email will contain.


View / Advanced search export name
Custom name for the export file (optional). Date and time will be added automatically, separated by an underscore. Example: CUSTOMNAME_2021-05-02_10-34.xml


Mail recipients
Email addresses of the recipients. If you enter a number of addresses, you must separate them using a semicolon ";".


Result format
Data format in which the results are sent as a mail attachment.
Possible options:

  • XML

  • HTML

  • CSV


Create archive

☑ The mail attachment will be compressed as a ZIP archive.

☐ The mail attachment will retain its data format (XML, HTML, or CSV). (Default)