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How to Create and Assign Profiles in the IGEL UMS Web App

In the IGEL UMS Web App, you can create profiles for configuring settings for your devices. For general information on profiles, see Profiles in the IGEL UMS. 

Menu path: UMS Web App > Configuration

Direct and Indirect Assignment of Objects in the IGEL UMS

Objects in the IGEL UMS can be assigned directly or indirectly:

  • Directly assigned objects have been assigned to an individual device or directory.

  • Indirectly assigned objects have been "inherited" via the directory structure.

Whether a profile is assigned directly or indirectly influences the priority of a profile, see Order of Effectiveness of Profiles.

Note the following:

  • If you assign a profile to a directory, it is indirectly assigned to each device in this directory including the subdirectories.

  • If you subsequently move a device to this directory, the directory profiles will affect this device too.

  • If you remove a device from this directory, the profile will no longer influence this device and the local settings for the device will be restored.

Creating Profiles for IGEL OS 12 Devices

Before creating profiles for IGEL OS 12 devices, you have to import the required apps from the IGEL App Portal; see How to Import IGEL OS Apps from the IGEL App Portal.

Alternatively, at least one IGEL OS 12 device with the required apps has to be already registered with the UMS Server. IGEL OS base system as well as all locally installed apps are then automatically recognized by the UMS. See e.g. .

As soon as there are apps listed under UMS Web App > Apps, you can create a profile to configure settings for your devices.  

There are two methods to create a profile:

  • Via Configuration > Configuration Tree > Create new profile (used to configure several apps. A profile configures ALL versions of an app, unless the version is specified.)

  • Via Apps > Create new profile (used to quickly configure a profile for the selected app.)


Profiles cannot currently be deleted in the UMS Web App. Use the UMS Console, instead.

For apps which have no configurable parameters (e.g. codecs), it is not possible to create a profile. 

Option 1: Create an OS 12 Profile via Configuration

  1. Under UMS Web App > Configuration, click Create new profile button.

  2. Select OS 12 (shown only if there are OS 11 devices registered in the UMS) and enter the name of the profile. If desired, add the description for the profile.

  3. Click Select Apps.



  4. In the App Selector, select the app(s) you want to configure. It is ALWAYS necessary to select at least one app when creating a profile for IGEL OS 12 devices.


  1. If you want to configure a profile for a specific app version, activate Show Versions and select the required version. 


  1. Click Save. 
    The profile will be saved and listed under Configuration > Profiles, even if you will not configure any settings in the next step.

  2. Configure the desired settings.
    The configuration dialog shows only those settings that can be configured for the selected app(s). If you want to change the scope of the profile (i.e. redefine which apps should be configured by the profile), click App Selector image-20240614-105718.png.


  1. Save the changes.

  2. Assign the profile to the required device / device directory. See Assigning OS 12 Profiles to Devices, or Implicit App Assignment via Profiles.

Option 2: Create an OS 12 Profile via Apps

To quickly create a profile for an imported app, proceed as follows:

  1. Under UMS Web App > Apps, select the required app and click Create new profile. 

  2. Enter the name of the profile and specify the desired directory for storing the profile under Location. If desired, add the description for the profile.

  3. Click Save.
    The profile will be saved and listed under Configuration > Profiles, even if you will not configure any settings in the next step.

  4. Configure the desired settings.
    The configuration dialog shows only those settings that can be configured for the selected app. If you want to change the scope of the profile (i.e. redefine which apps should be configured by the profile), click App Selector image-20240614-105754.png.


  1. Save the changes.

  2. Assign the profile to the required device / device directory. See Assigning OS 12 Profiles to Devices, or Implicit App Assignment via Profiles.

Assigning OS 12 Profiles to Devices, or Implicit App Assignment via Profiles



To assign profiles to a device / device directory, proceed as follows:

  1. Under UMS Web App > Devices, select a device or device directory and click Assign Object.


  2. Select the profile you want to assign to the device / device directory and use the arrow button or drag & drop.


  3. Decide when the changes should become effective, and save by selecting Save and apply on reboot or Save and apply now.
    An app assigned via the profile will be downloaded by the device. 

The assigned profile and the app assigned to the device via this profile are displayed under Devices > Assigned Objects.

To check the installed apps on a device, go to Devices > Installed Apps; see Checking Installed Apps via the IGEL UMS Web App.

Creating Profiles for IGEL OS 11 Devices

For how to create IGEL OS 11 profiles in the UMS Console, see Creating Profiles in the IGEL UMS.

To create a profile for IGEL OS 11 devices via the UMS Web App, proceed as follows:

  1. In the UMS Web App > Configuration, click Create new profile button.

  2. Select OS 11 (shown only if there are OS 11 devices registered in the UMS).

  3. Select the firmware version the profile is based on.

  4. Enter the name of the profile.

  5. If desired, add the description for the profile.

  6. Click Save. 
    The profile will be saved and listed under Configuration > Profiles, even if you will not configure any settings in the next step.

  7. Configure the desired settings.


  1. Save the changes.

  2. Assign the profile to a device / device directory; see the instructions below.

Assigning OS 11 Profiles to Devices

  1. To assign a profile, go to Devices > [name of the device / device directory] > Assign object.


  1. Select the required profile and use the arrow button or drag & drop.

  2. Save the changes.

  3. Decide when the changes should become effective.