Check for New Firmware Updates

Check for New Firmware Updates

In this area, you can search the public IGEL server for firmware updates that can be downloaded and provided as Universal Firmware Updates by the UMS.

Menu path: Server - [UMS Server address] > Universal Firmware Update > [context menu] > Check for new firmware updates

The icons at the top right of the window have the following meanings:


Select a WebDAV directory as the target directory


Specify an FTP target directory

Undo changes

Universal Firmware Updates


image-20240605-154423.png The relevant firmware will be downloaded.

Name of the firmware.


The version number of the firmware for selection.


Target directory
Directory to which the firmware is downloaded.
This is the ums_filetransfer folder or, in the case of an FTP server, the directory specified under UMS Administration > Global Configuration > Universal Firmware Update.


Release notes
Show the release notes for the relevant firmware as an HTML page or in text format.


Show only latest firmware versions (hides already downloaded versions)

image-20240605-154423.png Only the latest version of the relevant models is shown. If the latest version has already been downloaded to the UMS, it will no longer be shown.

image-20240605-154501.png All available versions will be shown. (Default)


The update will be added to the UMS structure tree and the current processing status will be shown.