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How to Deploy an IGEL Custom Partition via UMS

You want to deploy a custom partition that you received from IGEL to a number of thin clients via the Universal Management Suite (UMS).

The procedure described here is only intended for installing custom partition packages that have been built by IGEL.

  1. Save the *.zip archive you received locally and extract it.

  2. Copy the contents of the directory target into the ums_filetransfer directory on the UMS Server, e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\IGEL\RemoteManager\rmguiserver\webapps\ums_filetransfer

  3. Check the accessibility of the data by opening its address in a web browser, e.g. http://[ums_server]:9080/ums_filetransfer/[name]/[name].inf
    This access is password-protected, and you need to enter your UMS credentials.

  4. Import the file (located in the igel\profiles directory of the package) into the UMS via System > Import > Import Profiles.
    The imported profile should now appear in the UMS Console under Profiles.

  5. Edit the profile and adapt the settings in System > Firmware Customization > Custom Partition > Download to match the URL, Username and Password for your UMS.


  1. Assign the profile to one or more devices.

  2. Reboot these devices.