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(12.02-en) Server Network Settings in the IGEL UMS

In this area of the IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS) Console, you can configure settings for the online check for your devices, parameters for the device scan, activate the Distributed UMS feature, specify the Cluster Address for the load distribution of specific device requests, etc.

Menu path: UMS Console > UMS Administration > Global Configuration > Server Network Settings

Online Check Parameters

Disable online check

The online check is disabled.

The online check is enabled. (Default)

Online Check Response Timeout

Specifies how long in milliseconds the system will wait for a response to an online status query message. The UMS attempts to contact all devices that are currently visible in the UMS Console. Each device in this area must respond to the status query in the specified time or will otherwise be flagged as “offline”. Minimum: 100; maximum: 10000; default: 1000.

Changed Values on Update

The maximum and minimum value and the new default value have been introduced with UMS 6.04.100. If you update to version 6.04.100 from an older version, the value will be handled as follows:

  • If the value was between 100 and 10000, it remains unchanged.
  • If the value was lower than 100, it is changed to 100. 
  • If the value was the old default value of 100, it is changed to the new default value 1000.  
  • If the value was higher than 10000, it is changed to 10000.

Specify online check port (UDP)

You specify the port to which the devices respond if the UMS checks their online status.

The UMS will select any free port. (Default)

Scheduled Jobs

Scheduled jobs never expire

No time limit for scheduled jobs (Default)

Expiration time for scheduled jobs

Time in minutes after which a scheduled job will expire. (Default: 40)

Scan Parameters

Timeout (ms)

Specifies how long in milliseconds the UMS will wait for a response to scan packages. (Default: 6000)

Broadcast IP

Broadcast address that is used for scan packages. It is only used for scanning the local network. If IP ranges are used, the UDP packets will be sent to each client within the IP range. (Default:

Specify scan reply port (UDP)

You specify the port to which the devices respond if the UMS scans for devices

The UMS will select any free port. (Default)

Cluster Address

In the IGEL UMS High Availability (HA) and Distributed UMS installations, you can use Cluster Address to balance the incoming traffic. 

Note the following:

Enable common cluster address for all UMS Servers

The address and port defined below are used for the following HTTPS requests from devices:

  • file transfer from the UMS to IGEL OS 11 devices
  • onboarding and device communication of IGEL OS 12 devices

  • app download for IGEL OS 12 devices if Download from UMS is set in the UMS Web App > Apps > Settings > UMS as an Update Proxy

The Cluster Address does NOT affect:

  • download of firmware updates for IGEL OS 11 devices
  • device communication with the UMS Servers (IGEL OS 11 devices)
  • internal communication between the UMS Servers (incl. the WebDAV synchronization between the UMS Servers)
  • IGEL Cloud Gateway communication, i.e. devices connected to the UMS via ICG do not use the Cluster Address​

The Cluster Address is not used. (Default)

If defined, the Public Address is used for HTTPS requests from devices if no Cluster Address is set. For more information on the Public Address, see (12.02-en) Server - View Your IGEL UMS Server Information.

FQDN of the cluster

FQDN of your external load balancer / reverse proxy such as NGINX, Citrix Netscaler, etc. The maximal length is restricted to 255 characters.


Port of your external load balancer / reverse proxy

 Configure a Web Certificate for All Servers...

If you have a UMS HA or Distributed UMS installation and configured the Cluster Address, you must define a web certificate for all servers:

  • The certificate must contain the cluster address and all server addresses​

  • The certificate must be assigned to all servers

To define a web certificate for all servers, proceed as follows:

  1. In the UMS Console > UMS Administration > Global Configuration > Certificate Management > Web, select the root certificate and click Create signed certificate in the context menu.

  2. In the Signed Certificate Helper dialog, select Create one end certificate for all (known) servers.

  3. In the Create signed certificate dialog, click Manage hostnames.

  4. In the dialog Set Hostnames for Certificate, check if Cluster Address, "localhost", all IP addresses, and FQDNs (Fully Qualified Domain Names) under which your servers are reachable are displayed under Assigned hostnames. If not, add the missing IP addresses and FQDNs under Add hostname manually.

  5. Close the dialog Create Signed Certificate with Ok.
    The signed server certificate is created.

  6. Select the created certificate and click Assign server in the context menu.

  7. Assign the certificate to all servers. 

UMS High Availability / Distributed UMS

Distributed UMS enabled (restart of UMS Server needed on change)

The standalone UMS Servers will work just as if they were installed as a High Availability environment if connected to the same external database. Messages between the UMS Servers will be transferred via database entries. For detailed information on the Distributed UMS, see (12.02-en) IGEL UMS Installation

For how to install the Distributed UMS or extend an existing standard UMS installation to the Distributed UMS, see (12.02-en) Installing the Distributed IGEL UMS.

If you have a UMS High Availability installation, the checkbox Distributed UMS enabled (restart of UMS Server needed on change) will not be present. 

The Distributed UMS is disabled. (Default)

If you activated the Distributed UMS feature and have multiple UMS Servers, take care in case you decide to disable the feature. If the Distributed UMS feature is deactivated but more than one UMS Server is using the same database, no synchronization will be done between the UMS Servers.