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(12.04-en) Misc Settings

Menu path: UMS Administration > Global Configuration > Misc Settings

The following global parameters can be found here:

User Login History

Enable user login history

Recording of the user login activity is enabled. (Default)

Events are only logged if the Log login and logoff events parameter under System > Remote management > Options is enabled for the device (for example, via profile).

Add last device users to quick search

The user who logged in last will be added.

Add only still logged-in users

Only users who are currently logged in will be added. (Default)

In the event of configuration changes, the page will need to be reloaded by clicking on in order for the settings to be applied.

You can view the user login history for a device both in the UMS Console and the UMS Web App:


Enable notifications

Notifications are enabled and will be shown on each connection to the UMS Console; see also settings under Menu bar > Misc > Settings > Notifications. (Default)For detailed information on notifications, see (12.04-en) How to Configure Notifications in the IGEL UMS.

The notification function is disabled for all users.

For each license, certificate, or Product Pack, a new notification will be created [...] day(s) before expiration: Sets a time limit for a notification to remind you about the expiration of your license, certificate, or Product Pack.

A notification will be created when the free disk space is below [...] GB: When the free disk space is below this value, a warning will be created.

For each license or Product Pack, a new notification will be created when the amount of used licenses is above [...] %: If the number of used licenses in a Product Pack is higher than this limit (integer percentage), a notification is created.