(12.04-en) Firmware Customizations in the IGEL UMS
You can customize the user interface of your IGEL OS devices to suit your corporate design using the firmware customization function in the IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS). The configuration takes place in a dedicated wizard; for a minimal configuration, only a name and a file object need to be specified.
Menu path: UMS Console > Firmware Customizations
Mode of Action
A firmware customization can be assigned to a device or a directory.
Firmware customizations override standard profiles but in turn can be overridden by priority profiles. They are therefore between priority profiles and standard profiles in terms of their priority. Further information regarding the prioritization of profiles can be found under (12.04-en) Prioritization of Profiles in the IGEL UMS.
If several use cases of the same type are assigned to a device, e.g. a background image, only the use case with the highest priority will be effective. The priority is determined by how direct or indirect the assignment to the device is: A firmware customization assigned directly to the device has a higher priority than one which is assigned to the device directory. If both firmware customizations have the same priority, the firmware customization with the higher ID will be effective.