(12.06.110-en) How to Assign Firmware Updates to Devices in the IGEL UMS
There are various options for assigning a registered firmware update to a device.
Assigning a firmware update will not trigger the update process, only the information required for the update will be transferred to the device. After the assignment, you also need to launch the update process to update the devices.
Assign the Firmware Update
Direct assignment:
using drag & drop
using Assigned Objects in the device view
Indirect assignment:
via a device directory
 If you are using a Windows-based device, refer to the chapters Snapshots and Partial Update in the Windows 10 IoT manual.
Launch the Update Process
To launch the update process manually:
Right-click on the device in the UMS structure tree.
From the context menu, select Update & snapshot commands > Update or Update when shutting down.
To launch the update process through a job:
Right-click on Jobs in the UMS structure tree.
Select New Scheduled Job from the context menu.
Enter a Name.
As Command, select Update, or Update on Boot, or Update when shutting down.
Complete the setup procedure for the job, see Job Configurations and Execution Results.
Assign the job to devices or directories, see Assigning Objects to a Job.