(12.06.110-en) How to Create Administrator Accounts in the IGEL UMS
For the purpose of logging in to the UMS Console / UMS Web App, you can either import UMS administrator accounts from a linked Active Directory or create, organize, and remove accounts manually.
Menu path: Menu bar > System > Administrator accounts
Access rights to objects or actions within the IGEL UMS are attached to these administrator accounts and groups. The rights of the UMS superuser that was created during the installation (see IGEL UMS Installation under Linux or IGEL UMS Installation under Windows) cannot be restricted. The UMS superuser always has full access rights in the UMS.
UMS Web App
The UMS Web App supports the same permissions as the UMS Console. To get access to devices in a directory, read permissions on this directory are required; permissions to devices only are not sufficient.
More information on permissions in the UMS Web App can be found under Important Information for the IGEL UMS Web App.