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(12.05.100-en) Deployment - Deploying Licenses through the IGEL UMS

Here, you can enable and configure the automatic deployment of licenses by the IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS). The automatic license deployment includes licenses for OSC/UDC3, UMA and UD Pocket. Once commercially available, the UMS can also deploy hardware-bundled IGEL licenses automatically.

Menu path: UMS Console > UMS Administration > Global Configuration > Licenses > Deployment

Hardware-Bundled IGEL License Deployment

A hardware-bundled IGEL license is purchased together with hardware manufactured by an IGEL Hardware Partner. This type of license, once commercially available, will be a COSMOS PAS (Platform Access Subscription) which is deployed based on the serial number of the device it is sold with. The license can be deployed automatically through the UMS or manually through the IGEL Licensing Portal (ILP). The license can be separated from its hardware and deployed on a different device.

Once commercially available, the hardware-bundled deployment function is available in UMS 12.2.120 or higher and for devices with version 11.08.440 / 12.2.0 or higher.

Activate hardware-bundled IGEL license deployment

image-20240605-212550.png Hardware-bundled licenses are automatically deployed through the UMS. 

image-20240605-212630.png Hardware-bundled licenses are not deployed through the UMS; manual deployment is needed. (Default)

For the automatic hardware-bundled license deployment to work, the UMS ID needs to be registered in the IGEL Licensing Portal (ILP). To verify the registration, click Test connection/Check UMS ID registration.

Automatic License Deployment

As of UMS 12, demo licenses for IGEL OS 12 and IGEL OS 11 devices are also supported by Automatic License Deployment.

Automatic license deployment requires a connection between the UMS and the IGEL license server as well as the IGEL update server. This connection can be established via a proxy.

For details about the process of automatic license deployment, see IGEL Subscription and More > IGEL Software Licenses Articles > IGEL Software Licenses How-Tos > Deploying Licenses > Setting up Automatic License Deployment (ALD)

As soon as a license is registered in the UMS, the UMS stores the license and adds a license download link to the device settings. After that, the UMS sends the settings to the devices. When the devices have received their settings, they download the licenses and reboot. After the reboot, all licensed features are available on the devices.

Enable automatic deployment

image-20240605-212550.png Automatic license deployment is enabled.

image-20240605-212630.png No automatic license deployment will take place. (Default)

Enable automatic license exchange

image-20240605-212550.png The automatic exchange of expiring device licenses is activated. If the current Product Pack was not renewed and the current device license expires, a device will be licensed from another Product Pack. This means it will be checked if a Product Pack with a later expiration date is registered in the UMS (see "Registered Packs" below), and in this case, the new licenses from this Product Pack are distributed to the devices. Old licenses will not be removed from the devices.

Specify when the new licenses should be deployed to the devices under Licenses are exchanged [number] days before expiration.

image-20240605-212630.png The automatic exchange of expiring device licenses is disabled. (Default) 

Licenses are exchanged [number] days before expiration

Defines how many days before the expiration date a new license should be deployed. (Default: 7)

Activate global distribution conditions

image-20240605-212550.png Only devices that fulfill the conditions defined under View / Configure conditions are considered for the automatic license deployment. These conditions apply globally to the automatic license deployment. However, you can still configure pack-specific distribution conditions (see "Registered Packs" below).

image-20240605-212630.png Global distribution conditions are disabled. (Default)

View / Configure conditions

Opens a dialog allowing you to select one or several directories or views as global distribution conditions:


Used proxy server

Description of the proxy currently used

Edit proxy configuration

Opens a dialog allowing you to select a proxy for communication with the license server. Note that this proxy will also be used for all IGEL Cloud Services.., including IGEL Onboarding Service, IGEL Insight Service, IGEL App Portal as well as for UMS as an Update Proxy.

Possible options:

  • No proxy server: No proxy server will be used.

  • Use default proxy server: The default proxy server defined under Proxy Server will be used.

  • Use selected proxy server: A server from the Configured Proxy Servers list can be selected.

Test connection/Check UMS ID registration

Tests the connection between UMS or the proxy and the IGEL license server as well as the IGEL update server ( and verifies if the UMS ID is registered in the IGEL Licensing Portal (ILP).

Registered packs

This table shows all Product Packs currently registered in the UMS. You can add, delete, enable or disable Product Packs.

Search for:

Search in all columns of the table

Add Product Pack

Delete Product Pack

Enable Product Pack

Disable Product Pack. A disabled Product Pack will not be used for deploying licenses.

Update information regarding all registered Product Packs. The current information will be obtained from the license server

Shows and configures the distribution conditions for the selected Product Pack. For more information, see IGEL Subscription and More > IGEL Software Licenses Articles > IGEL Software Licenses How-Tos > Deploying Licenses > Setting up Automatic License Deployment (ALD) > Configuring the Distribution Conditions.

Show Product Pack details:

  • Attribute: Shows the attributes of a Product Pack.

  • Licensed hardware: Shows all devices licensed with the Product Pack belonging to the entry.

The following information is shown:

  • Pack ID: ID of the Product Pack

  • Product: Product pack type

  • Used licenses: Licenses currently in use

  • Subscription status (expiration date/validity period): For new Product Packs, the validity period is shown; for activated Product Packs, the expiration date is shown.

  • Status
    Possible statuses:

    • Active

    • Inactive

  • Manual Distribution
    Possible statuses:

    • Enabled

    • Disabled

  • Automatic Distribution
    Possible statuses:

    • Enabled

    • Enabled (with conditions)

    • Disabled

  • Automatic Distribution Condition: Configures the distribution conditions for the selected Product Pack. For more information, see IGEL Subscription and More > IGEL Software Licenses Articles > IGEL Software Licenses How-Tos > Deploying Licenses > Setting up Automatic License Deployment (ALD) > Configuring the Distribution Conditions.

  • Comment: Product Pack comments created in the IGEL License Portal

  • Registration Error: If the registration of the Product Pack has failed, the error message is shown here.

Executed actions

The actions last performed are shown in this area.



Delete entries older than a specific date

Delete selected entries

Update display



Show details regarding the selected action

The following information is shown:

  • Time: Time at which the action was performed

  • Action: Description of the action


  • Used Pack ID: ID of the Product Pack

  • Number of affected devices: Number of devices for which a license was deployed

  • Result: Result of the action
    Possible results:

    • Successful

    • Error message