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(12.04.120) Import with Long Format

The long format provides detailed data as described in the following. The import file should be UTF-8 encoded.


Storage directory in the UMS structure tree. This directory must exist before the devices are imported.


Unit ID

If the device is an IGEL device or a device converted with UDC3 or IGEL OS Creator (OSC), the unit ID is identical to the MAC address of the device. If the device is a UD Pocket, the unit ID is hard-wired into the UD Pocket's USB flash drive.


Product and Version

Product name and firmware version of the device (separated with a semicolon)



Name of the device

  • The maximal length of the device name is restricted to 15 characters if Adjust network name if UMS-internal name has been changed is enabled under UMS Console > UMS Administration > Global Configuration > Device Network Settings.

  • The length of the device name is not restricted if Adjust network name if UMS-internal name has been changed and Naming Convention are not activated under UMS Administration > Global Configuration > Device Network Settings.

  • Each device name will be automatically overwritten in compliance with the naming convention, even if Adjust network name if UMS-internal name has been changed is enabled, in case Enable naming convention is activated under UMS Administration > Global Configuration > Device Network Settings.

See also (12.04.120) Device Network Settings for the IGEL UMS.



Location of the device



Department to which the device is assigned



Comment regarding the device


Asset ID

Inventory number of the device


In-Service Date

Date on which the device was commissioned


Serial Number

Serial number of the device


Profile Assignments

ID of the assigned profile or a list of IDs separated by commas if a number of profiles are to be assigned to the device

You can remove a profile assignment already made by placing an exclamation mark in front of the profile ID. Example: !12

The ID of a profile is shown in the description data and in the tooltip for the profile.


Cost Center

Cost center to which the device is assigned

Code example

/Import;00E0C5540B9A;IGEL OS 11;;IGEL-1;Büro1;EDV;Meier;0815;01.06.2019;F44M;26;01 /Import;00E0C5540B9B;IGEL OS 11;;IGEL-2;Büro2;EDV;Müller;4711;01.06.2019;F45M;26;01 /Import;00E0C5540B9C;IGEL OS 11;;IGEL-3;Büro3;EDV;Schulz;42;01.06.2019;F46M;26;01