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(12.4-en) Terminals in IGEL OS

With a local terminal, you can execute local commands on your device. This article shows how to configure the starting methods for terminals, and how to use local terminals in IGEL OS. 

It is also possible to access a local shell without a terminal session: Alternatively, you can switch to the virtual terminals tty11 and tty12 by pressing [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[F11 ]or [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[F12]. Pressing [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[F1] takes you back to the user interface.

Menu path: Accessories > Terminals 

Terminal Sessions

List of configured local terminal sessions

To manage the list of sessions, proceed as follows:

  • Click image-20240716-112052.png to create a new entry.

  • Click image-20240716-112056.png to remove the selected entry.

  • Click image-20240716-112059.png to edit the selected entry.

  • Click image-20240716-112103.png to copy the selected entry.


→  Click image-20240716-112013.png to define the starting methods for the session.

The starting methods parameters are described under (12.4-en) Starting Methods for Apps. 

Using Local Terminal

To use the local terminal, proceed as follows:

  1. Start the local terminal.

  2. Log in as user or root.

  3. Enter the shell commands supported by IGEL OS.
